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Upping the Ante on Climate Change Adaptation - An iClima White Paper on Climate Resilience and Adaptation

Upping the Ante on Climate Change Adaptation - An iClima White Paper on Climate Resilience and Adaptation

Solutions Critical to Averting Severe Environmental Impacts

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Bending the Linear Economy - An iClima Earth White Paper on the Circular Economy

Bending the Linear Economy - An iClima Earth White Paper on the Circular Economy

Bridging the Emissions Gap through a Circular and Shared Economy

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iClima White Paper: CLMA (Global Decarbonisation Enablers Index)

iClima White Paper: CLMA (Global Decarbonisation Enablers Index)

White Paper on CLMA (Global Decarbonisation Enablers Index)

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BITA and iCLIMA partner to launch a range of environmental-impact indexing, data and analytics solutions

BITA and iCLIMA partner to launch a range of environmental-impact indexing, data and analytics solutions

PRESS RELEASE - BITA and iCLIMA partner to launch a range of environmental-impact indexing, data and analytics solutions

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Talking Alternatives: Hard to Abate

Talking Alternatives: Hard to Abate

An overview of the decarbonisation prospects of five heavy emitting sectors

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A Net Zero Blockchain – possible or probable? 

A Net Zero Blockchain – possible or probable? 

Often criticised for it's climate impact, could blockchain in fact unlock innovative solutions to the climate crisis?

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Carbon Markets: Don't Stop 'Til You Offset Enough

Carbon Markets: Don't Stop 'Til You Offset Enough

Are carbon markets a silver bullet or a dangerous red herring?

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Chickens, Eggs, and Chargers

Chickens, Eggs, and Chargers

What comes first, the charger or the charged?

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SEC Climate Disclosure Response

SEC Climate Disclosure Response

Read our submission

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The House of the Future is Here

The House of the Future is Here

It Runs at Much Lower Costs and is Close to Being Net Zero

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Why rising inflation only entrenches the clean energy transition

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Forecasting Demand for Batteries until 2030 and Considerations on Supply - Different Applications, Technologies, Minerals, and Costs

Forecasting Demand for Batteries until 2030 and Considerations on Supply - Different Applications, Technologies, Minerals, and Costs

Forecasting Demand for Batteries until 2030 and Considerations on Supply

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2022, the End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

2022, the End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

Reviewing the Past Year and Looking to the Year Ahead

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Mark Carney: Your Aim is Good, but Here’s How to Hit the Bullseye

Mark Carney: Your Aim is Good, but Here’s How to Hit the Bullseye

An Open Letter to Mark Carney from iClima CEO Gabriela Herculano

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COP26 - Flawed But Important

COP26 - Flawed But Important

Our analyst reports from week two at the conference

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Halving Emissions by 2030 and the Relevance of 5 Key Solutions

Halving Emissions by 2030 and the Relevance of 5 Key Solutions

How Can we Reduce Emissions by Half by 2030 & a Look at 5 Key Solutions

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iClima at COP 26

iClima at COP 26

iClima's CEO Gabriela Herculano presents at COP26 UNFCCC event with Dennis Pamlin

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Week One at COP26

Week One at COP26

Our analyst reports from a hectic first week of pledges and pacts at COP26

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Cow versus Climate: A Policy Minefield And Trillion Dollar Opportunity

Cow versus Climate: A Policy Minefield And Trillion Dollar Opportunity

Plotting the future of food

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US Electricity Mix – A Grid in Transformation

US Electricity Mix – A Grid in Transformation

iClima's Takeaways from Trying to Model the Future of the US Grid

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Never Let A Good Crisis Go to Waste

Never Let A Good Crisis Go to Waste

The Current Energy Crisis and Accelerating the Inevitable Solution

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The Electric Vehicle Revolution: The Race to Paris

The Electric Vehicle Revolution: The Race to Paris

Electric vehicles are here to stay. There is no doubt about it.

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The Case for Recycling of Batteries

The Case for Recycling of Batteries

Driven by Explosive Growth in EV Production & the Rising Cost of Minerals

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When Will the Grid be Green And How Much Storage Will That Require?

When Will the Grid be Green And How Much Storage Will That Require?

Two of the Leading Views on the Path Towards a Green Grid in the US

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Power to the people, by the people

Power to the people, by the people

The Shift Away From Centralized Power Systems Converges With Powerful Trends

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A New Metric for a New Perspective – Potential Avoided Emissions

A New Metric for a New Perspective – Potential Avoided Emissions

Using Potential Avoided Emissions for Insight in to Company Decarbonisation

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Highlighting Key Concepts - Offsets, Credits and Avoidance

Highlighting Key Concepts - Offsets, Credits and Avoidance

Carbon Markets & Pricing with a Focus on Definition of Offsets, Credits & Avoidances

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Battery Trends in EVs and the Minerals Behind Them

Battery Trends in EVs and the Minerals Behind Them

EV Future: What kind of batteries will be widely used & will they be sustainable?

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Analogy between CO2 avoidance and dieting

Analogy between CO2 avoidance and dieting

Making an analogy between CO2 avoidance, dieting and counting calories

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Project Drawdown has been a great reference to us. How do our solutions compare?

Project Drawdown has been a great reference to us. How do our solutions compare?

How did iClima use Project Drawdown as a Reference on Decarbonisation solutions?

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iClima’s Approach

iClima’s Approach

How does iClima Take a Different Approach to ESG?

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Distributed Renewable Energy – A big shift underway

Distributed Renewable Energy – A big shift underway

Why are Consumers Embracing On-site Generation for their Electricity Needs?

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iClima’s Green Revenue – Methodology and Findings

iClima’s Green Revenue – Methodology and Findings

Why do iClima Assess Company Green Revenues for our Index Constituents?

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Considerations on the Path to a Green Hydrogen Economy

Considerations on the Path to a Green Hydrogen Economy

The Fourth Coming of Hydrogen – This Time Built on Sustainable Foundations

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The Clock is Ticking, so we Need to Focus on What Matters and Need to Quantify Impact

The Clock is Ticking, so we Need to Focus on What Matters and Need to Quantify Impact

Shifting the Focus and Quantifying Impact is Needed: The Defining Decade

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Climate Debate Evolution

Climate Debate Evolution

Regulatory Frameworks - Where we are & where we are Going

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V2G – How do they work, will this become a reality, and what companies are working on this technology

V2G – How do they work, will this become a reality, and what companies are working on this technology

Vehicle-to-Grid Technology: Can your car power your home?

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The Role of Sustainable Forestry – Trees and Beyond

The Role of Sustainable Forestry – Trees and Beyond

What is a Sustainable Forestry?

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The Link Between Waste Management, Circular Economy and Solving Climate Change

The Link Between Waste Management, Circular Economy and Solving Climate Change

Currently More than 50% of all Municipal Solid Wastes on the Planet End up in a Dump or Landfilled

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Who will Own ½ of the Wealth on the Planet in 2030?

Who will Own ½ of the Wealth on the Planet in 2030?

A Fundamental Shift in Wealth Creation and Management is Unfolding

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The Case for Meat Alternatives

The Case for Meat Alternatives

A Look at how our Dietary Choices can Have an Impact on Global Emissions

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Floating Solar: Pushing the Frontiers of Renewables

Floating Solar: Pushing the Frontiers of Renewables

Solar Panels Floating on Water Instead of being on the Ground an Roofs

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Solar-Powered Electric Car: Computerised Power Plant on Wheels

Solar-Powered Electric Car: Computerised Power Plant on Wheels

Fill up with some Sun: Solar-Powered Cars

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Heat Pumps: Towards Sustainable Heating

Heat Pumps: Towards Sustainable Heating

A Technology that could have a Big Impact in Reducing Emissions from Heating

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Smart Inverters, the Humble Key to a Secure and Profitable Distributed Energy Future?

Smart Inverters, the Humble Key to a Secure and Profitable Distributed Energy Future?

A Look at a Lesser-Known Technology that may Unlock a Distributed Energy Future

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What does the Covid 19 Pandemic Mean for Climate Change?

What does the Covid 19 Pandemic Mean for Climate Change?

A Tale of Two Crises': What does the Covid-19 Pandemic Mean for Climate Change?

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March 2024 Newsletter

The Ballad of Jensen & Jerome - March 2023 Edition

AI development could catapult (green) energy demand, converging decarbonization and AI into an infrastructure super cycle

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Feb 2024

The Dragon is Green

Chinese New Year Brings The Year Of The Dragon: Green Growth Is A Key Segment With Overwhelming Chinese Support

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January 2024 Newsletter

Not So Fast - January 2024 Newsletter

Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan’s CEO) in Davos says that not everything is “hunky-dory” and points out to abundance of risks attacks on us troops supporting Israel intensified this month, increasing geopolitical risk and therefore the risk of crude price increases (and inflation) green strategies back to a (very) negative monthly performance

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December 2023 Newsletter

We Survived! December 2023 Edition

The year of AI ends with a broader rally, benefiting oversold growth and green growth names. The December 13th COP28 outcome and 75 bps of US Fed rates cut next year may be the trigger to a more constructive case for green stocks in 2024.

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November 2023 Newsletter

Xi and Biden (Green) California Dreamin'

The Fed is likely done, COP28 lead by Fossil Fuel has just started, Xi and Biden California dream of green growth with deeper collaboration.

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October Newsletter

Catching a Falling (Green) Knife - October 2023 Edition

Weak 3Q23 results and a bleak outlook for coming quarters makes investors deeply discount post 2024 prospects for green names.

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September Newsletter

Bad News is Bad News - September 2023 Newsletter

Crude oil breached $90 again, sparking fears of a headline inflation. Climate-focused New Yorkers ask for the end of fossil fuel while crude approaches triple digit prices and equity markets melt down.

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August Newsletter

Proterra, Green SPACs and The Valley of Death - August 2023 Newsletter

August sees China’s economy weakening, adding to overall macro–uncertainty and markets partially revert concentrated gains from the June & July rally

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July 2023 Newsletter

Higher and Hotter - July 2023 Newsletter

The Magnificent 7 induced a broader rally and benefited decarbonization strategy, but not indiscriminately. The first 21 days of the July were the hottest three-week period on record.

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June Newsletter

And Through The Haze, A Winner? - June 2023 Newsletter

New York engulfed in a haze of wildfire smoke reminds the world that failing to decarbonize will have disastrous consequences, while Tesla demonstrates its leadership, emerging as the victorious charging technology - Time to call winners?

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May 2023 Newsletter

The Paradox of AI & Decarbonization - May 2023 Newsletter

Transformational trends of our generation are being treated unequally. Investors are focusing on mega tech names and looking the other way when it comes to decarbonization.

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April 2023 Newsletter

Are We Wrong Or Are We Early? - April 2023 Newsletter

Long term strength of decarbonization solutions has never been more solid, but short-term headwinds overwhelm investors.

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March 2023 Newsletter

ESG Under Attack - March 2023 Newsletter

Banks go down, oil goes up, Joe Biden issues his first veto.

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February 2023 Newsletter

Beyond Musk - February 2023 Newsletter

Tesla’s investor day showcases the brain power of the entire leadership team, who shared their vision for a fast transformation of energy and transportation

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December 2022 Newsletter

The Revenge of Fossil Fuels - December 2022 Newsletter

Investors allocated to brown value names motivated by excess cash flow. A green swan will materialize by the end of 2023

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November 2022 Newsletter

In the Fight of Our Lives - November 2022 Newsletter

Markets rallied for a few days trying to price a US soft landing, while COP27 prepares for a climate hard landing.

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October 2022 Newsletter

October 2022 Newsletter

October ends with a reversal of the early bull trend, IEA expects fossil fuels to peak in 2025 and uncertainty plaguing China with Xi Jinping’s 3rd 5-year term.

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September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

September ends with a hurricane showcasing the perils of climate change, the UK bringing down global markets, and deepening bearish sentiment as winter and a recession get closer.

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August 2022 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter

Rising inflation, a stock market rally and the landmark IRA

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July 2022 Newsletter

July 2022 Newsletter

Scorching temperatures, a summer rally, and a momentous U-turn

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Special Edition: European Energy Decarbonisation

Special Edition: European Energy Decarbonisation

The first in a series of Special Editions looking at key decarbonisation solutions

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June 2022 Newsletter

June 2022 Newsletter

Read our take on a tumultuous June

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Our Theory of Change

Our Theory of Change

A novel way to conceptualise the journey to Net Zero

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Introducing ESG 3.0

Introducing ESG 3.0

An introduction to the emerging paradigm of sustainable investing

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May 2022 Newsletter

May 2022 Newsletter

The bear market persists, Musk trashes ESG and CO2 levels continue to rise

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Monthly Newsletter: Blockchain Special Edition

Monthly Newsletter: Blockchain Special Edition

A look at the use of blockchain technology for climate change solutions

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April 2022 Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter: April 2022

An uncertain April - inflation, recession, lockdown, rate hikes & war

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Monthly Newsletter: Earth Day Special Edition

Monthly Newsletter: Earth Day Special Edition on Data

The importance of data: the SEC, IPCC and GHGSat

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March 2022 Newsletter

Check out the second edition of our monthly newsletter

Check out the second edition of our monthly newsletter!

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Monthly Newsletter - Women's Day Special Edition

Monthly Newsletter - Women's Day Special

Spotlighting Five Female Climate Changemakers

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February 2022 Newsletter

February 2022 Newsletter

Dive into the first incarnation of our monthly newsletter

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Impact Report 2021

Impact Report 2021

'A roadmap for shifting the paradigm of sustainable finance'

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iClima Glossary

iClima Glossary

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Full Methodology

Full methodology

Our full, comprehensive methodology

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SDG Alignment

SDG Alignment

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development established in 2015 provides an action plan to resolve global economic, social and environmental challenges and achieve a sustainable future. The agenda includes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that consist of tangible universal aspirations, divided into 17 goals, 169 associated targets, and 230 individual indicators.

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Negative Screening

Negative Screening

iClima Earth has identified five major segments with companies whose products and services enable their users to reduce CO2 emissions. The segments are Green Energy, Green Transportation, Water & Waste Improvement, Enabling Solutions and Sustainable Products

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Potential Avoided Emissions

Potential Avoided Emissions

Outline of PAE, the metric underpinning our novel approach

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Vetting Process

Vetting Process

iClimas Global Decarbonisation Enablers Index Vetting Process

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Our Climate Change Solutions Classification System

Our Climate Change Solutions Classification System

The segments we see as meaningful enablers of CO2 avoidance

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From Hawkish to Dovish

From Hawkish to Dovish in 12 Chapters

From Greta’s arrest to Biden’s veto, the rise of the Magnificent Seven and the fall & rise of solar, to Tesla’s charging triumph and a historic walk in the park, we have tried our best to cover 2023 through our monthly doses of Climate Solutions.

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In our series of company research, we review the investment case for CATL

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In our series of company research, we review the investment case for Li-Cycle

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Shades of Green

Shades of Green

Direction of Travel: from 2019 to 2022. iClima Earth's "Green" and "Brown" revenues for constituents in the company's flagship index, CLMA

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iClima Taxonomy

iClima Taxonomy

iClima's Taxonomy Detailing Problems & Solutions Defining Investable Universe

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iClima's Climate-focused Equity Indices

iClima's Climate-focused Equity Indices

IClima Earth's unique set of climate-focused equity indices

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Stationary Energy Storage Technologies

Stationary Energy Storage

A list of public and private energy storage companies based on their technologies and potential applications, a dive into new exciting players to watch and the Levelised Cost of Storage Capacities (LCOSC) of different technologies in 2020 and 2030

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The Race to a Decarbonised Planet

The Race to a Decarbonised Planet

The Race to a Decarbonised Planet

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iClima's Frameworks To Determine Green Impact

iClima's Frameworks To Determine Green Impact

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Enphase Energy Inc

Enphase Energy Inc

In our series of company research, we review the investment case for Enphase Energy, which we refer to a Green Swan, through the lens of technology, sustainability and financial performance

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The House of the Future - Sustainable Living Available Today

The House of the Future - Available Today

Sustainable Living is Becoming More Accessible as Tech Costs Continue to Fall

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Global Demand for Batteries – Stationary and for EVs, to 2030

Global Demand for Batteries – Stationary and for EVs, to 2030

Global Demand for Batteries – Stationary and for EVs, to 2030

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Battery 101

Battery 101

Your One Stop Shop for Information about the Building Block of the Future

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Tesla Overview of Production and Production Facilities

An Overview of Tesla's Electric Vehicle, Solar and Battery Storage Products and Production Facilities

An Overview of Tesla's Electric Vehicle, Solar & Battery Products & Production Facilities

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Halving Emissions by 2030 & the Relevance of 5 Key Solutions

How to Reduce Emissions by Half by 2030 and how 5 Key Solutions by Companies in iClima Indices may Contribute

How Can we Reduce Emissions by Half by 2030 & a Look at 5 Key Solutions

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The Race to Electrification - USA

Visualising the Evolution of the Electricity Mix in the USA

Visualising the Evolution of the US Electricity Mix - Past, Present & Future

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The Race to Electrification - 4 Key Regions

Visualising the Evolution of the Electricity Mix in 4 Key Regions

Visualising the Evolution of the Electricity Mix in 4 Key Regions- Past, Present & Future

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The Electric Vehicle Revolution - The Race to Paris

The Electric Vehicle Revolution - The Race to Paris

Do Incumbent Automakers' EV Commitments Meet the Paris Agreement?

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The Size of the Problem

The Size of the Problem

Our Influence on CO2 Levels & what we can do to Limit Global Warming

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The World in 2030

The World in 2030

Changing Demographics, Disruptive Innovations & a Shift To a Green Economy

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Carbon Terminology

Key Concepts - Offsets, Credits and Avoidance

Carbon Markets & Pricing with a Focus on Definition of Offsets, Credits & Avoidances

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FlexiDao CoFounder Joan Collell on Using Blockchain to Monitor Renewable Energy

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 15 - FlexiDao's Joan Collell on Using Blockchain to Monitor Renewable Energy

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Tumelo CoFounder Georgia Stewart on Helping Investors Influence Positive Change

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 14 - Tumelo CEO and Co-Founder Georgia Stewart on Helping Investors Influence Positive Change

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Discovering GHGSat's Methane Sniffing Satellites With Stephane Germain

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 13 - Stephane Germain and GHGSat's Methane Sniffing Satellites

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ETFGI Founder Deborah Fuhr's Fascinating Insights Into The History And Merits Of ETFs

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 12 - Deborah Fuhr and her fascinating insights into the history and merits of ETFs

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'Just Have A Think' Viral YouTube Host Dave Borlace On Telling the Truth About Climate Change

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 11 - 'Just Have A Think' Viral YouTube Host Dave Borlace On Telling the Truth About Climate Change

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Frigg Co-Founder Philip Berntsen on the Tokenization of Sustainable Projects

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 10 - Frigg Co-Founder Philip Berntsen on the Tokenization of Sustainable Projects

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Christophe Williams on Naked's combined solar power and heating solutions

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 08 - Christophe Williams on Naked's combined solar power and heating solutions

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Steve LeVine on the battery supply chains we need for an EV revolution

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 07 - Steve LeVine on the battery supply chains we need for an EV revolution

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Project X Founder Marcela Navarro on Making Supply Chains Sustainable

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 06 - How Marcela Navarro Is Making Supply Chains Sustainable

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How Stacey Chang Built a Cult-Favorite Sustainable Vegan Shoe Brand

Climate Solutions with Gaby & Shaila - Episode 05 - Stacey Chang on How She Built a Cult-Favorite Sustainable Vegan Shoe Brand

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Climate Talk with Gaby and Shaila - Episode 4 - Philippa White

Episode 4 - Featuring Philippa White

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Climate Talk with Gaby and Shaila - Episode 3 - Megan Greene

Episode 3 - Featuring Megan Greene - The Cost of Decarbonization

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Climate Talk with Gaby and Shaila - Episode 2 - Julian Poulter

Episode 2 : Featuring Julian Poulter - What the Future of Energy Transition Holds

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Climate Talk with Gaby and Shaila - Episode 1 - Bill Nussey

Episode 1 : Featuring Bill Nussey, founder of the Freeing Energy Project

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Interview with Benjamin Franchetti, co-founder of Agricola Moderna

Interview with Benjamin Franchetti, co-founder of Agricola Moderna

Benjamin Franchetti talks to iClima about the next-generation technologies for indoor agriculture.

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Interview with Marek Kubik, leading expert on energy storage

Interview with Marek Kubik, leading expert on energy storage

Marek Kubik talks to iClima Earth about his views on battery storage solutions, grid stability in systems with increased renewable energy prevalence, and the future for energy storage broadly speaking

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Interview with Chris Goodall, author of “Ten technologies to save the planet”, “The Switch” and “What we need to do now”

Interview with Chris Goodall, author of “Ten technologies to save the planet”, “The Switch” and “What we need to do now”

Chris Goodall talks to iClima Earth about his views on fundamental climate change solutions, like V2G, distributed generation, renewable energy, food revolution & reforestation

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Interview with Barbara Buchner, Global Managing Director of Climate Policy Initiative

Interview with Barbara Buchner, Global Managing Director of Climate Policy Initiative

Barbara Buchner talks to iClima Earth about climate finance, funding the transition, and the work done by the Climate Policy Initiative

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Interview with Christoph Burger, co-author of “Decentralised Energy – A global game changer”

Interview with Christoph Burger, co-author of “Decentralised Energy – A global game changer”

Christoph Burger talks to iClima Earth about distributed generation, energy transition and the role of blockchain as a technology enabler

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Interview with Mallika Paulraj, author of “How the best invest”

Interview with Mallika Paulraj, author of “How the best invest”

Mallika Paulraj talks to iClima Earth about her investment strategy and philosophy as well as about ETFs and their relevance

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Interview with Dr. Mark C. Trexler

Interview with Dr. Mark C. Trexler

Interview with Mark C. Trexler, Climate Change PhD Scientist in Portland, OR, and founder of The Climatographers and The Climate Web

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Interview with Jens Thomassen

What does Covid-19 pandemic mean for climate change? (H1)

Interview with Jens Thomassen, Partner at the investment management company A.P Møller Capital

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A 'Tale of Two Cities' and the Energy Crisis

A 'Tale of Two Cities' and the Energy Crisis

Gabriela Herculano writes about the Technology + Impact + Financial models needed in the massive transformation, beyond energy transition by 2030.


Why Green Investors Should Think Thematically

Why Green Investors Should Think Thematically

In her article for NASDAQ, Gabriela Herculano captures the unprecedented value creation and structural shift with thematic sectors in Green Investing through the "orders of innovation" in clean energy, defined by Bill Nussey in his The Freeing Energy Project book.


No Breakthroughs in Nuclear: It's Not Cheaper, Faster, or Safer

No Breakthroughs in Nuclear: It's Not Cheaper, Faster, or Safer

Gabriela Herculano's views about Nuclear Energy on NASDAQ


Firms rush to fill 'huge data gaps' for SFDR

Firms rush to fill 'huge data gaps' for SFDR

Gabriela Herculano's views on PAE as forward-looking metrics for ESG disclosures


Calls for policymakers to clarify ESG definitions

Calls for policymakers to clarify ESG definitions

Gabriela Herculano's comments in Ignites Europe on standardising ESG definitions


The European Union is Not Letting a Crisis Go To Waste

The European Union is Not Letting a Crisis Go To Waste


How the European Union Will Embrace Innovation and Accelerate Renewable Energy Plans

How the European Union Will Embrace Innovation and Accelerate Renewable Energy Plans


Why We Need to be More Precise with ESG Definitions

Why We Need to be More Precise with ESG Definitions


Cars are Becoming Autonomous, Computerized Power Plants on Wheels

Cars are Becoming Autonomous, Computerized Power Plants on Wheels


The Rise of Clean Energy Storage Solutions for Solar and Wind Power

The Rise of Clean Energy Storage Solutions for Solar and Wind Power


Smart Energy is Digital, Decentralized and Decarbonizing: Top Companies Leading the Shift

Smart Energy is Digital, Decentralized and Decarbonizing: Top Companies Leading the Shift


Chicken-and-Egg Problem: EV Adoption and Buildout of Charging Networks

Chicken-and-Egg Problem: EV Adoption and Buildout of Charging Networks


Demand for Batteries Makes the Energy Transition a Commodity Transition

Demand for Batteries Makes the Energy Transition a Commodity Transition


The Rise of ESG 3.0: How the Future of ESG Can Deliver Better Results

The Rise of ESG 3.0: How the Future of ESG Can Deliver Better Results


Why Investors Should Pay Attention to 'Green Growth' Opportunities

Why Investors Should Pay Attention to 'Green Growth' Opportunities


Women as Wealth Creators: The Future of ESG and Sustainable Investments

Women as Wealth Creators: The Future of ESG and Sustainable Investments


The 'Trilemma' the Food Industry Faces Will Be Solved by Technology

The 'Trilemma' the Food Industry Faces Will Be Solved by Technology


Why the Long-Term Growth Picture for Green Energy is Intact

Why the Long-Term Growth Picture for Green Energy is Intact


The House of the Future Will Reshape the Grid: Here’s How

The House of the Future Will Reshape the Grid: Here’s How


What Are Floating Solar Panels, and Can They Work?

What Are Floating Solar Panels, and Can They Work?


Caught Between a 'Shock and a Hard Place': Markets Grapple With Energy Crisis and Recession Risks

Caught Between a 'Shock and a Hard Place': Markets Grapple With Energy Crisis and Recession Risks


4 Innovative Blockchain Companies Tackling Climate Change

4 Innovative Blockchain Companies Tackling Climate Change


Doing well by doing good

Sustainability is the investment opportunity of our lifetime. An unprecedented value creation cycle that is also the path to prosperity and regeneration.

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